HIV PrEP or pre-exposure prophylaxis, look refers to medications given to HIV-negative, see high risk patients, ask to prevent them from becoming infected.
Potential candidates for PrEP include HIV negative persons at substantial risk of becoming infected, including someone who
- Is in an ongoing relationship with an HIV-infected partner;
- Is not in a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who recently tested HIV-negative; and is a
- gay or bisexual man who has had sex without a condom or been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection within the past six months;
- heterosexual man or woman who does not regularly use condoms when having sex with partners known to be at risk for HIV (e.g., injecting drug users or bisexual male partners of unknown HIV status); or
- Has, within the past six months, injected illicit drugs and shared equipment or been in a treatment program for injection drug use.
PrEP is highly effective – with a close to 92% reduction in new infections, in those who are adherent on treatment. The most common current treatment for PrEP is Truvada, taken as one pill daily.
Once prescribed PrEP, follow up generally includes HIV testing every 3 months, blood work every 6 months to assess for side effects, and screening for other STDs every 6 months.
All our physicians at Lakeshore Infectious Diseases are very familiar with PrEP and would be happy to discuss use with you or another at risk person.